University Faculty
Department of Education and Communication
Acting Head of Department
Prof Stewart Thompson, BA (Hons), MA (Mus), DEd, CT,FVCM, FCV, FGSM, FMCM, FIGOC, FSCO, FCollT, SFFLM, ACIEA. HonFTCSM
Associate Professor of Education
Qualifications Director, the Victoria College of Music and Drama, London
Director of the J. H. Lewis English Composer Archive, London
Prof Gabriel César Dias Lopes, MBA, PhD, EdD
Associate Professor of Education
Rector of Logos University International, Miami, FL
Prof Nilton Elias de Sousa, EdD
Associate Professor of Education
General Director, Faculdade do Bico do Papagaio FABIC, Brazil
Dr. John Taylor Brantley CEdD MA ThB
Univeristy Fellow in Religious Education
Registrar, Latimer Theological Institute
Department of Humanities and Social Sciences
Head of Department
Prof Craig Paterson, BA, LLB, MA, MLIS, PhD, ThSoc, FVCM(Th), FSA Scot, FLS, FGMS, FIMEB, SFFLM, HonBD, HonFNMSM, HonFTCSM, HonFDipRS
Professor of Philosophy and Christian Humanities
Prof Stephan U. Breu, MBA, DBA, Hon EdD, FNFCM, FGMS, FVCM, MCertNMSM
Pestalozzi Chair of Business Management and Ethical Stewardship
Senior Research Fellow in Heraldic Studies
Mr Paul Cheater, BA, MA, ACP, HonFNCM, FGMS, FFLM, CertEd
Research Associate in Christian Humanities
Mr Peter Elliott, MA, MMus, AKC, LRIAM
Research Associate in Christian Humanities
Mr Peter Hunter, MPhil, HonMSM, FUniv, FVCM, GLCM, LLCM, AMusLCM
Adjunct Instructor & Research Fellow in Christian Humanities and Sacred Music
Prof Elmar Kuhn, Mag Dr, MTheol, FUniv
Assiociate Professor of Christian Humanities
Professor of Religious Studies
University Fellow in Religious Studies
Former Dean of World Religions, European Academy of Sciences and Arts
Prof Rubin Zemon, PhD
Associate Professor of Social Sciences
Director, Euro-Balkan Institute for Social Sciences & Humanities Research
Department of Music and Fine Arts
Head of Department
Prof Stewart Thompson, BA (Hons), MA (Mus), DEd, CT,FVCM, FCV, FGSM, FMCM, FIGOC, FSCO, FCollT, SFFLM, ACIEA. HonFTCSM
Associate Professor of Sacred Music
Qualifications Director, the Victoria College of Music and Drama, London
Director of the J. H. Lewis English Composer Archive, London
Mr John Balsdon, BEd, HonMBA, PGDip StratManag, FUniv, SFFLM, FVCM, FGMS, FIAL(Lond), FRSA
University Fellow in Sacred Music
Secretary-General of the Guild of Musicians and Singers
Dr William Clark, OAM, DLitt, DSM, MMus(ACU), MA, GradDipMus(AICM), HonDipMus(AICM), FUniv, FRSCM, FMusicolASMC, FDip(ChM), FMusEdASMC, FCSME, FVCM(Hons), FNMSM, HonFNCM, HonFGCM, HonFGMS, FNFCM, FIMEB, SFFLM
University Fellow in Musicology
Director, International Music Examinations Board
Assistant Professor of Sacred Music
University Fellow in Sacred Music and Composition
Principal and Chief Examiner of the Three Counties School of Music
Principal of the Cotswold Society of Church Musicians
Rachael Pickering BA(Hons), MMus, AFLM
Graduate Teaching Assistant
Prof Elizabeth Stratford, BMus(Hons), MA(MusLit), HonDMus, FGCM, FVCM, SFFLM, DipABRSM, FRSA, FGMS, FASC, FIGOC, HonFFCM, HonFNMSM, HonFNCM
Associate Professor of Sacred Music
Master of Music, Arundel Cathedral, West Sussex
Dr Terry Worroll, BA, DMus, Hon DSM, FUniv, GTCL, ARCO, FCCM, FFCM, SFFLM, HonGCM, HonFNCM, HonFVCM, HonFGMS
University Fellow in Sacred Music
Warden of the Curwen College of Music
Department of Theology and Religious Studies
Head of Department
Prof Elmar Kuhn, Mag Dr, MTheol, FUniv
Professor of Religious Studies
Associate Professor of Christian Humanities
University Fellow in Religious Studies
Former Dean of World Religions, European Academy of Sciences and Arts
The Rt Revd Dr Andrew Linley, FSJ, MA, STD, FUniv, FVCM(Th), FNCM, ALCM, FRSA, FGMS, FNFCM, SFFLM
University Fellow in Liturgical Studies
University Chaplain
Dean of the Faculty of Liturgical Musicians
Honorary Academician, Pontificia Accademia Tiberina, Rome
Dr Salvatore Olivari de la Moneda, CDM, RAM, SGASD, IIGH, Dottore Stud Rel, HonDHum, FUniv
University Fellow in Heraldic Studies
Dean of the Institute for Ecclesiastical History, Heraldry and Phaleristics
Prof Craig Paterson, BA, LLB, MA, MLIS, PhD, ThSoc, FVCM(Th), CertApologetics, FSA Scot, FLS, AFNCollM, FNFCM, FGMS, FFSC, FSCO, SFFLM, HonFNMSM, HonFTCSM, HonFCSCM, HonFDipRS
Assistant Professor of Theology and Religious Studies
The Revd Dr Steven G. Rindahl, BA, MDiv, ThM, MTh, DMin, SpDirCert
University Fellow in Pastoral Studies and Spirituality
The Revd Canon Prof Peter A. Thompson, BA, MPhil (Ecum), DMin, PPICMA, FLCM, FGCM, ARIAM, SFFLM
Associate Professor of Applied Theology
The Very Revd Dr Jonathan Munn, OblOSB MMath(Warwick), MTh(JHPCU), PhD(Warwick), DTh(JHPCU), FVCM(Th)
University Fellow in Theology and Adjunct Instructor