Doctor of Philosophy in Religion and Humanities
Degree Requirements
The degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Religion and Humanities (Ph.D.) is a senior research based 60 credit degree. A minimum of 4 years part-time study is normally needed for doctoral degree completion. The possession of a prior relevant master's degree is a usual requirement for admission and 12 credits are applied towards the degree. 48 credits are thus normally needed. The standard for independent writing and sustained analysis is more demanding than that of the M.Phil. as it requires an original contribution to learning. The Ph.D. dissertation length is 70 to 75,000 words. If the dissertation fails to satisfy the examiners, the candidate may be asked to revise and resubmit the dissertation. If the dissertation, again, is deemed unsatisfactory, the candidate may be awarded an M.Phil. in Religion and Humanities.
The required programme of studies is as follows:
1) PHL620--Craft of Research and Writing (3 credits)
2) PHL624--Directed Reading Course I (3 credits)
3) PHL625--Directed Reading Course II (3 credits)
4) PHL628--Literature Review and Research Proposal (3 credits)
5) PHL640--Supervised Dissertation Writing (36 credits in blocks of 3 credits, thereafter continuing registration at 0 credit hours)
6) PHL650--Presentation and Oral Defence of the Dissertation (0 credits)
The degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Religion and Humanities (Ph.D.) is a senior research based 60 credit degree. A minimum of 4 years part-time study is normally needed for doctoral degree completion. The possession of a prior relevant master's degree is a usual requirement for admission and 12 credits are applied towards the degree. 48 credits are thus normally needed. The standard for independent writing and sustained analysis is more demanding than that of the M.Phil. as it requires an original contribution to learning. The Ph.D. dissertation length is 70 to 75,000 words. If the dissertation fails to satisfy the examiners, the candidate may be asked to revise and resubmit the dissertation. If the dissertation, again, is deemed unsatisfactory, the candidate may be awarded an M.Phil. in Religion and Humanities.
The required programme of studies is as follows:
1) PHL620--Craft of Research and Writing (3 credits)
2) PHL624--Directed Reading Course I (3 credits)
3) PHL625--Directed Reading Course II (3 credits)
4) PHL628--Literature Review and Research Proposal (3 credits)
5) PHL640--Supervised Dissertation Writing (36 credits in blocks of 3 credits, thereafter continuing registration at 0 credit hours)
6) PHL650--Presentation and Oral Defence of the Dissertation (0 credits)