Bachelor of Research
Concentrations; ministry, counseling, theology, education, administration, music, fine arts, media communications, and social work
Entry Requirements
Candidates for entry should normally hold a bachelor’s degree in any subject related to their
concentration, with either professional qualifications or experience in education desirable.
Candidates with non-degree awards are welcome to contact the University to discuss entry options.
Candidates with undergraduate degrees at a B+ GPA or honours degree of 2:1 and above may apply directly to the MRes programme
Degree Requirements
The degree of Bachelor of Research (BRes) is a ‘higher’ bachelor's degree that introduces the
student to academic research. The duration of the degree is normally 2 years of part-time study
resulting in a specialist research dissertation of ca 20,000 words under an experienced supervisor
combined with guided modules in research practice. 150 credit hours are required, with 120 carried forward from previous studies. Research topics must focus upon an area within one of the
University departments. Alternatively study may be cross-departmental and could include studies of particular sectors, the history of an institution or individuals associated with a field etc. The Multidisciplinary focus, communication and project planning skills developed within the degree provide the breadth of skills, knowledge and experience needed to excel in whatever path follows.
The standard of research required should display a comprehensive understanding of the selected
field and a good standard of independent writing and sustained analysis higher than that of BA but
not as high as for Master’s level awards. Should a candidate fail to meet the required satisfactory
standard for the award of the B.Res., after written resubmissions or a retake of the oral presentation, it is likely that the candidate will be awarded a Diploma of Studies (Dip.St.) as the terminal award.
While the BRes is a distinct terminal award in its own right, successful candidates may, should they
wish, register for the Master of Research (M.Res.) and transfer their research forward in the second
year. This may also serve as an entry route to the Master of Philosophy in an appropriate subject
with possible progression to Doctoral study for those lacking a relevant Master’s qualification. For candidates achieving a B+ GPA result it is possible to apply directly for the MPhil.
Course structure for the Bachelor of Research (B.Res.), totalling 150 credits:
1) UNIXXX--Recognition of Prior Study (90 credits)
2) EDU306 -- Introduction to Research (3 credits)
3) EDU307 -- The Digital Humanities: Embracing the New (3 credits)
4) EDU302 -- Independent Reading I (3 credits)
5) EDU303 -- Literature Review and Research Proposal (3 credits)
6) EDU304 -- Supervised Dissertation Writing (18 credits in blocks of 3)
5) EDU406--Presentation and Defense of the Dissertation (0 credits)
Entry Requirements
Candidates for entry should normally hold a bachelor’s degree in any subject related to their
concentration, with either professional qualifications or experience in education desirable.
Candidates with non-degree awards are welcome to contact the University to discuss entry options.
Candidates with undergraduate degrees at a B+ GPA or honours degree of 2:1 and above may apply directly to the MRes programme
Degree Requirements
The degree of Bachelor of Research (BRes) is a ‘higher’ bachelor's degree that introduces the
student to academic research. The duration of the degree is normally 2 years of part-time study
resulting in a specialist research dissertation of ca 20,000 words under an experienced supervisor
combined with guided modules in research practice. 150 credit hours are required, with 120 carried forward from previous studies. Research topics must focus upon an area within one of the
University departments. Alternatively study may be cross-departmental and could include studies of particular sectors, the history of an institution or individuals associated with a field etc. The Multidisciplinary focus, communication and project planning skills developed within the degree provide the breadth of skills, knowledge and experience needed to excel in whatever path follows.
The standard of research required should display a comprehensive understanding of the selected
field and a good standard of independent writing and sustained analysis higher than that of BA but
not as high as for Master’s level awards. Should a candidate fail to meet the required satisfactory
standard for the award of the B.Res., after written resubmissions or a retake of the oral presentation, it is likely that the candidate will be awarded a Diploma of Studies (Dip.St.) as the terminal award.
While the BRes is a distinct terminal award in its own right, successful candidates may, should they
wish, register for the Master of Research (M.Res.) and transfer their research forward in the second
year. This may also serve as an entry route to the Master of Philosophy in an appropriate subject
with possible progression to Doctoral study for those lacking a relevant Master’s qualification. For candidates achieving a B+ GPA result it is possible to apply directly for the MPhil.
Course structure for the Bachelor of Research (B.Res.), totalling 150 credits:
1) UNIXXX--Recognition of Prior Study (90 credits)
2) EDU306 -- Introduction to Research (3 credits)
3) EDU307 -- The Digital Humanities: Embracing the New (3 credits)
4) EDU302 -- Independent Reading I (3 credits)
5) EDU303 -- Literature Review and Research Proposal (3 credits)
6) EDU304 -- Supervised Dissertation Writing (18 credits in blocks of 3)
5) EDU406--Presentation and Defense of the Dissertation (0 credits)